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Get nodes by entry id

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NameParameter typeTypeFormatDescriptionExampleRequired
projectIdpathstringThe project identifier found in the project overview screen of the management console.movieDbtrue
entryIdquerystringuuidThe entry identifier as a 128 bit GUIDtrue
languagequerystringlanguageThe specified language for the node. If no value is provided then the menu order is removed for all languagesfalse
depthquerynumberThe depth of descendants to include for the node. The default is 0. This parameter only has an effect if canonicalOnly has a value of truefalse
versionStatusquerystringThe status of the associated entry, either published or latest. The default is publishedfalse
entryFieldsquerystringA comma separated list of entry fields to include in the entry response. Specify * to include all entry fieldsfalse
entryLinkDepthquerynumberThe depth at which to resolve the full entry data for a linked entry or asset, with a maximum depth value of 10false
entryFieldLinkDepthsqueryobjectLink depths for specific field paths to resolve the full entry data for a linked entry or asset, with a maximum depth value of 10 (version 16+ only){"field1":2,"composer":1,"composer.component.field":2}false
canonicalOnlyquerybooleanIf canonicalOnly is true then just the canonical (default location) node is returned, otherwise a list of all nodes attached to the specified entry are returnedfalse


HTTP status codeReasonModel
200Success when canonicalOnly is not set or is falseNode
200Success when canonicalOnly is trueNode
404Project not foundError
404Node not foundError
500Internal server errorError


GET: /api/delivery/projects/movieDb/nodes/?entryId=d014533c-2f4e-4f73-b9f5-ff107755080b&language=en-GB&depth=1&versionStatus=latest

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