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View, search, and filter groups

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Groups in Contensis are managed at an environment level. You'll need to be a system administrator to manage groups.

The groups listing can be found in the environment settings menu.

  1. Press the Settings button in the sidebar. If you are a system administrator you'll see a menu section labelled Environment Settings.
  2. Select Groups from the menu to show a list of groups in your environment.

Search and filter groups

If you have a large number of groups in your organisation, you may find it easier to use the filter panel to narrow down the number of groups displayed. The filter acts as a faceted search, building a search query based on the filter you select.

Search by name

If you are looking for specific group, you can use the keyword search box to locate a group by its name. To begin searching, type your keyword into the search box and your results will update in the listing.

The search query also takes into account any filters that are applied, such as Group type or Assignment.

Filter by account type

There are three group types in Contensis that can be used to filter the listing:

  • Contensis groups are created using the New group option.
  • External groups are created automatically by a single sign-on service such as Azure AD or AD FS.
  • System groups are Contensis groups that provide access to specific CMS resources.

Filter by assignment

When you are managing permissions for a large organisation, it can be helpful to identify groups that were created that have no users or child groups assigned. Use either of these filters to quickly locate them.

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