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List entries by content type

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NameParameter typeTypeFormatDescriptionExampleRequired
projectIdpathstringThe project identifier found in the project overview screen of the management console.movieDbtrue
contentTypeIdpathstringThe content type identifier.true
versionStatusquerystringThe status of the associated entry, either published or latest. The default is publishedfalse
pageIndexquerynumberintegerThe index of the page.false
pageSizequerynumberintegerThe number of results per page. The default is 25.false
orderquerystringA comma-separated list of the field Ids to order the results by. Prefix field Id with - for descending order.-version.modifiedfalse
languagequerystringlanguageThe specified language for the node. If no value is provided then the menu order is removed for all languagesfalse
dataFormatquerystringThe specific dataFormat, default is all. e.g. entry, asset.false


HTTP status codeReasonModel
404Project not foundError
500Internal server errorError


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