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An entry's life-cycle is controlled by the workflow assigned to the content type that the entry is based on. Contensis supports two standard built-in workflows types.
Basic workflow
Allows content to be authored and then published instantly.

Approval workflow
Allows content to be submitted for approval so that it is controlled by an authorised approver before it is made live.

Entries are by default controlled by the basic workflow, but this can be changed by specifying a different workflow type in the content type editing screen.
Workflow specific methods
We have created some useful workflow extension methods which offer shortcuts for events in our standard workflows. Alternatively you can use the more generic Workflow.Invoke / Workflow.InvokeAsync methods.
Invoking events generically
Workflow events can be invoked using the generic Invoke
or InvokeAsync
methods on the Workflow object.
using Zengenti.Contensis.Management;
// Get a management client
var client = ManagementClient.Create({url}, {clientId}, {sharedSecret});
// Select to relevant project
var website = client.Projects.Get("movieDb");
// Retrieve an entry
var entry = website.Entries.Get("d69ad539-0e3a-4d7f-9c9d-1fad1b39faad");
// Invoke a workflow event
message = "Need to work on the last part as it doesn't read very well..."
catch(WorkflowException ex)
// Something went wrong invoking the workflow
catch(RestException restEx)
// Something went wrong in the service or the entry does not exist
// Client API issue
The eventName parameter passed to the Invoke
methods follows the structure, except for sysUnpublish
These are the available events for the supported workflows
Basic workflow
- draft.publish
- sysUnpublish
Approval workflow
- draft.submit
- awaitingApproval.approve
- awaitingApproval.decline
- awaitingApproval.revoke
- declined.submit
- sysUnpublish
It is possible to only specify the workflowEventId
i.e. 'approve' or 'submit' and the Management API client will automatically prefix the current state of the entry, but this is less explicit and open to invalid event invocations.
If a workflow event is invoked that is not valid for the current state, then a WorkflowException
will be raised detailing the invalid action.
It is important to note certain states have 'sysUpdate' and 'sysDelete' events, which can't be invoked directly through a workflow event invocation, but can be invoked using the Save and Delete methods on the entry. When an entry is in the Published state, calling save (which in-turn invokes sysUpdate) will automatically move the state back to Draft.
Event permissions
The invocation of workflow events is controlled by the roles & permissions security API, which can be configured within the Contensis Roles screens. Individual events can be permissioned so that granular control is possible, ensuring each step of a workflow is only invocable by an authorized user. If authorization is denied when invoking a workflow event then a AuthorizationException
is raised, detailing the unauthorized access.