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Get an entry or a form response

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NameParameter typeTypeFormatDescriptionExampleRequired
projectIdpathstringThe project identifier found in the project overview screen of the management console.movieDbtrue
entryIdquerystringuuidThe entry identifier as a 128 bit GUIDtrue
languagepathstring[...]languageA comma separated list of variations to deletefr,defalse
linkDepthquerynumberintegerThe depth at which to resolve the full entry data for a linked entry or asset, with a maximum depth value of 10false
fieldsquerystringA comma-separated list of field ids to restrict the fields returned for an entryfalse
fieldLinkDepthsqueryobjectLink depths for specific field paths to resolve the full entry data for a linked entry or asset, with a maximum depth value of 10 (version 16+ only){"field1":2,"composer":1,"composer.component.field":2}false


HTTP status codeReasonModel
404Project not foundError
404Entry not foundError
500Internal server errorError


Return an entry in language de-DE with all fields resolved and with the linkedEntries field resolved to a further level (this last option is only available in version 16+)

GET: /api/delivery/projects/movieDb/entries/99aae243-ad6e-401b-89f9-90a51def6a18?language=de-DE&linkDepth=1&fieldLinkDepths={"linkedEntries":2}

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