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Impact levels and response times

Response and resolutions times assume that remote access, passwords and key contacts are immediately available.

Every member of the Contensis support team is notified when you raise a critical ticket, so please be restrained in your use of this category.

Zengenti reserves the right to reclassify the impact level at any time if we believe the ticket classification is incorrect.

Ticket impact levels

Low impact

Low impact issues have no immediate affect on your organisation.

Example A Contensis user account has expired.

Response: 8 business hours

Expected resolution: 3 working days

Normal impact

Normal impact issues have a moderate impact on your organisation. Important functions are still available and not materially impaired.

Example A page is not showing in the menu, or is not saving.

Response: 8 business hours

Expected resolution: 3 working days

High impact

High impact issues involve serious degradation of application or functionality, although essential functionality is still available.

Example A particular page on the site cannot be published or cannot be viewed.

Response: 4 business hours

Expected resolution: 2 working days

Critical impact

Critical impact issues indicate that an application is down or experiencing a major malfunction, with essential functionality unavailable or materially impaired.

Example Entire website is down, due to a Contensis related issue.

Response: 1 hour

Expected resolution: 8 hours

Critical ticket escalation

1On-call engineer01584 824202Initial call
2Ben TullochHead of hosting operations01584 824215After 1 hour
3Simon HoranChief product officer01584 824209 or 07815 194956After 2 hours
4Richard ChiversCEO01584 824206 or 07813 708649After 3 hours