ZenQL search – cheat sheet
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Edited by me today
sys.version.modified between(startOfDay(), endOfDay()) and sys.version.modifiedBy = currentUser()
Edited by me this week
sys.version.modified between(startOfWeek(), endOfWeek()) and sys.version.modifiedBy = currentUser()
Edited by me this month
Edited by me this year
sys.version.modified between(startOfYear(),endOfYear()) and sys.version.modifiedBy = currentUser()
Awaiting approval
sys.workflow.state = "awaitingApproval"
Created this month
sys.version.created between(startOfMonth(), endOfMonth())
Published this month
sys.version.published between(startOfMonth(), endOfMonth())
Archived this month
The Include archive checkbox must be checked to use this query.
sys.version.archived between(startOfMonth(), endOfMonth())
In draft
sys.workflow.state = "draft"
Entries not published
sys.isPublished = false
Published entries
sys.isPublished = true
Published this week
sys.version.published between(startOfWeek(), endOfWeek())
Published last week
sys.version.published between(startOfWeek(-1), endOfWeek(-1))
Due to be unpublished
This search is only avaliable in the Management API and UI.
sys.schedules.unpublish exists and sys.schedules.publish.dateTime > now()
Due to be unpublished in the next month
This search is only avaliable in the Management API and UI.
sys.schedules.unpublish exists and sys.schedules.publish.dateTime between( startOfMonth(1), endOfMonth(1))
Entries due to be published
This search is only avaliable in the Management API and UI.
sys.schedules.publish exists and sys.schedules.publish.dateTime > now()
Translations out of date
This search is only avaliable in the Management API.
sys.translationState = translationOutOfDate and sys.versionStatus = latest
Translations out of date for specific language e.g. Welsh
This search is only avaliable in the Management API.
sys.translationState = translationOutOfDate and sys.versionStatus = latest and sys.language = cy