Change the view of the group listing screen
Log in to add to favouritesWhen you open the group listing screen you are presented with a standard view of group data. This includes columns such as Name, type, number of users and the number of child groups. There is however a additional information that you can show and maybe interested in.
Add columns
To add or change the columns of content displayed in the listing screen follow these steps.
- Press the Manage columns cog button in the listing toolbar, the Select and reorder columns screen will be displayed.
- The left hand panel provides a list of fields that can be added to the listing, the right hand panel shows the fields that are currently displayed. Select any checkboxes in the left hand panel to add them to the listing.
- Press Save, the screen will close and the entry listing screen will be updated with your changes.
Reset columns
You can reset your view to the standard fields at any time by opening the Manage columns screen and selecting the reset filters button.
Remove columns
To remove a column from the listing.
- Press the Manage columns cog button in the listing toolbar, the Select and reorder columns screen will be displayed.
- Click the cross next to any field in the selected columns list to remove it from the listing
- Press Save, the screen will close and the listing screen will be updated with your changes
Reorder columns
With the manage columns screen open you can use drag and drop to reorder the display of the columns in the listing.