View, filter and favourite projects
Log in to add to favouritesThe project listing screen provides an overview of all the projects in your Contensis environment. You can view your projects at any time.
Select the square project avatar button in the sidebar, and a list of your projects will be displayed.
Filter projects
If you have many projects in your environment, you may find it easier to search using the filter bar.
Type a word in the filter bar to narrow down the projects displayed.
Favourite/unfavourite projects
If you find yourself regularly using the same project in an environment with many projects, you may find it helpful to favourite them. Favourites are displayed at the top of the project listing, making them easier to access.
Add to favourites
With the projects listing open, press the unfilled star button on the project. The project will be added to your favourites and raised to the top of the listing.
Remove from favourites
With the project listing open, press the filled star button on the project. The project will be removed from your favourites and returned to the main listing.