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Field level permissions in entries

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Field-level permissions allow administrators to finely control which fields are visible and editable by different roles. This granularity improves the editing experience by tailoring the interface to the specific needs and responsibilities of various authors.

How to configure field-level permissions

  1. Press the Settings button in the sidebar. The Settings menu will open, revealing a number of options.
  2. Select Roles to open the Roles listing screen.
  3. Locate the role where you would like to set field-level permissions.
  4. Select the Fields permissions from the toolbox. A new permission will be added to the list.
  5. The permission you've added will be active and the Permissions panel for the selected permission will be displayed.
  6. Choose the Content type from the permissions panel that you want to apply field level permissions on.
  7. Turn off the fields that the role should not be able to edit.
  8. Save your settings. The new permissions will be immediately reflected in the user interface for users with the specified role.

Permissioning groups of fields

If you need to restrict a large number of fields, you may find it easier to set up tab-level permissions, which can remove an entire group of fields in the entry editor.

Recommendations and limitations

  • Users of a role with field level permissions applied will not be able to move the content into a new workflow stage where required validations apply.
  • Ensure you test your permission model with real user journeys to ensure team members can fulfill their role.

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