Export your form responses
Log in to add to favouritesYou can download all your response data to CSV file. This is useful for doing further analysis, or for merging data from multiple forms in Excel or Google Sheets.
You can export a list of form responses from the Form response listing screen for your form.
- Open the form responses for your form by selecting Forms from the sidebar.
- From the menu that is opened, select Form responses. A list of the forms that you can manage responses for will be displayed.
- Select the form that you want to export responses from. The form response listing table will be displayed.
Export the current page
If you have a single page of form responses you can quickly export them to CSV using the Table options menu in the page toolbar.
- Press the Table options cog in the page toolbar.
- Select Export to CSV from the dropdown menu.
- Your form responses will be downloaded in the following format: export_2024-06-13_16-43-47.csv
Export all responses
If your form responses span multiple pages, the export to CSV option will present you with a window asking you if you want to download the current page or all responses.
- Press the Table options cog in the page toolbar.
- Select Export to CSV from the dropdown menu.
- From the window that is displayed, select from the Current page or All responses options.
- Your form responses will be downloaded in the following format: export_2024-06-13_16-43-47.csv
Export responses based on search criteria
Alternatively, form responses can be exported based on search criteria. So, if you've filtered the results to those posted in the last week, then you can easily export your most recent responses. The same process applies to exporting all responses.
What data is exported?
The form data that is exported is based on what you can see in the form response table. So, if you have used managed columns to reorder column data, or have added or removed columns, then this is reflected in your export.