Unarchive an entry
Log in to add to favouritesMoving an entry out of the archive makes it avaliable for reuse. Once unarchived it will be shown in the entry listing, and in linked entry searches. You'll need to be a member of a role with the manage archive permission to be able to unarchive content.
Unarchive an entry from the editor
- Press the Entries button in the sidebar to open the Entries listing screen.
- Locate archived entries by choosing the archived workflow status in the filter panel. Archived entries will be displayed in the listing.
- Press Edit to open the entry. The Entry editor will be displayed.
- Press the Actions button, indicated by the triple dot icon. A dropdown menu will be displayed.
- Select Unarchive from the menu. An Unarchive entry confirmation window will appear.
- Press the Unarchive button to confirm. A notification will be displayed confirming that the entry has been unarchived. The entry will be displayed in the entry listing screen and entry searches across the application.
Unarchive an entry from the listing
- Press the Entries button in the sidebar to open the Entries listing screen.
- Locate archived entries by choosing the archived workflow status in the filter panel. Archived entries will be displayed in the listing.
- Select the Actions button in the listing indicated by the triple dot icon. A dropdown menu will be displayed.
- Press Unarchive in the dropdown menu. An Unarchive entry confirmation window will appear.
- Press the Unarchive button to confirm. A notification will be displayed, confirming the unarchive has taken place. The entry will be displayed in the entry listing screen and entry searches across the application.
Note: The wording of the unarchive confirmation window may vary depending on your permissions, and whether the entry has language translations. Follow the on-screen prompts to confirm your unarchive action.