Delete a comment or entire conversation
Log in to add to favouritesDeleting a comment or conversation are similar actions, but you have to be the owner of the original comment or conversation to carry out the action. A Delete any comment
action is available in roles to allow you to administer comments you haven't created.
Delete an individual comment
If you want to delete a comment you have added to a conversation, follow these steps:
- Open an entry for editing or review.
- Press the View/Add comment button for the field you want to edit. The Comments panel will be displayed.
- Select the Delete button for the comment you want to delete.
- You must press Delete comment to confirm the deletion.
Delete a conversation
When you want to remove the entire threaded conversation on a field, you'll need to be the original creator of the conversation.
- Open an entry for editing or review.
- Press the View/Add comment button for the field you want to edit. The Comments panel will be displayed.
- If you are the owner of the conversation, you'll see a delete button at the top of the conversation.
- Press the Delete button for the conversation you want to delete.
- You must confirm the deletion by pressing Delete conversation.