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Keyboard and Markdown shortcuts for the Canvas editor

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You can do most of your work in a Canvas without ever leaving your keyboard.

Navigating around the Canvas

Move around the CanvasArrow keys (Up, Down, Left, Right)Arrow keys (Up, Down, Left, Right)
Navigate to first blockCommand+HomeControl+Home
Navigate to last blockCommand+EndControl+End

Order and organise blocks

Move item upOption+UpAlt+Up
Move item downOption+DownAlt+Down
Move item to the topShift+Option+UpShift+Alt+Up
Move item to the bottomShift+Option+DownShift+Alt+Down


Delete text to the right of the cursorDeleteDelete
Delete text to the left of the cursorBackspaceBackspace
Insert new lineEnterEnter
Create a line breakShift+EnterShift+Enter
Duplicate blockCommand+DControl+D


Select entire blockCommand+AControl+A
Select all blocksCommand+A x2Control+A x2
Select text from caret to the start of a blockShift+UpShift+Up
Select text from caret to the end of a blockShift+DownShift+Down
Select entire block from partial selectionShift+Up or Shift+DownShift+Up or Shift+Down
Clear selectionEscEsc

Text formatting

BoldCommand+BControl+BType ** or __ on either side of your text to make it bold.
ItalicCommand+IControl+IType * or _ on either side of your text to italicise it.
UnderlineCommand+UControl+UType *** on either side of your text to underline it.
StrikethroughCommand+Shift+SControl+Shift+SType ~~ on either side of your text to strikethrough it.
Inline codeCommand+Shift+CControl+Shift+CType ` o on either side of your text to create inline code.
Subscript- Type ~ on either side of your text to mark it as <sub>Subscript</sub>
Superscript- Type ^ on either side of your text to mark it as <sup>superscript</sup>
Inserted textType ++ on either side of your text to mark it as <ins>inserted</ins>.
Deleted textType -- on either side of your text to mark as <del>deleted text</del>.
Highlight textType == on either side of your text to <mark>highlight</mark> your text.
VariableType % on either side of your text to mark as a <var>Variable</var>.
KeyboardType :: on either side of your text to define as <kbd>Keyboard input tag</kbd>
Add link to selection / edit linkCommand+KControl+KType [Example](
Remove linkCommand+Shift+KControl+Shift+K
Clear selection formattingCommand+\Control+\

Block shortcuts


Heading level one# Heading one
Heading level two## Heading two
Heading level three### Heading three
Heading level four#### Heading four
Heading level five##### Heading five
Heading level six###### Heading six


Insert bullet list/bullet/bulletType *, -, or + followed by Space to create a bulleted list.
Insert numbered list/number/numberType 1. or 1) followed by Space to create a numbered list.
Convert paragraph to list itemCommand+LControl+L
Convert paragraph to ordered list itemCommand+Shift+LControl+Shift+L
Duplicate list itemCommand+DControl+D
Indent list itemTabTab
Remove list indentShift+TabShift+Tab


Insert code/code/codeType ``` to create a code sample.
Code sample with language codeType ```json to create a JSON code sample.
Exit code editor aboveUpUp
Exit code editor belowDownDown


Insert table/table/table
Insert table with row and column notation/table3x10/table3x10
Navigate cellsTabTab
Navigate cells by directionArrow keysArrow keys
Navigate to first cellCommand+HomeControl+Home
Navigate to last cellCommand+EndControl+End
Move column leftAlt+LeftAlt+Left
Move column rightAlt+RightAlt+Right
Move row downAlt+DownAlt+Down
Move row upAlt+UpAlt+Up
Move row downAlt+DownAlt+Down
Select rowShift+SpaceShift+Space
Select columnCommand+SpaceControl+Space
Select cell contents / all cellsCommand+A x2Control+A x2
Extend selection leftShift+LeftShift+Left
Extend selection rightShift+RightShift+Right
Extend selection upShift+UpShift+Up
Extend selection downShift+DownShift+Down
Insert column right (from header cell)Command+Alt+=Control+Alt+=
Insert row below (from row cell)Command+Alt+=Control+Alt+=
Insert new row from last cellTabTab
Duplicate row (in row cell)Command+DControl+D
Duplicate column (in column header cell)Command+DControl+D
Exit table above (in first row)UpUp
Exit table below (in last row)DownDown


Insert dividerType ---, ___, or *** to insert a horizontal rule


Insert quoteType > followed by the text you want to use as your quote.

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