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West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

This NHS trust digitally transformed and migrated from three CMS providers to a single CMS system.

About West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust

West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust provides care and community services to the population of 280,000 people who live in West Suffolk. Their outstanding work has been recognised with multiple awards won over the years.


Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk


Health and social care


4,000+Content items
3 CMS'Consolidated to one central content management system
£££s Saved by migrating to the cloud

West Suffolk NHS foundation trust had a large project on its hands when it consolidated three content management systems (CMS) into one central CMS for its staff intranet. The digital transformation challenge needed to improve the user experience (UX) for content editors and end users.

“A particular process had to be carried out to access the old intranet site for West Suffolk. To access the information, first, you needed to be logged into a virtual machine, use an old version of Internet Explorer, via VPN, to load the old intranet because it was such an old system. In the end, it was clunky, not fit for purpose and offered a poor UX.”

Rob Turner, Scrum Master, Zengenti

“The digital transformation project was hugely successful thanks to the innovation and the collaboration between the two teams and using the latest relevant technologies to drive the online user experience.”

Rob Turner, Scrum Master, Zengenti

The trust has worked with Contensis for roughly 12 years, and we have a lot of users who know how to use the system. The retraining required has been minimal with the move from Classic Contensis to Contensis Cloud because the platform is very intuitive to use.

Chris Lockwood, Digital Communications Manager and product owner, WSFT
The updated WSFT homepage
The updated homepage for WSFT intranet