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Glossary of terms: Blocks edition

Recently we launched our feature Blocks, so we created a go-to glossary with all Blocks related terminology.

Danielle MeeCampaign manager
1 min read14 July 2023

Late in 2022, we released Blocks, a new feature of Contensis. Blocks benefit developers and content editors, leaving site owners in control of releases and allowing developers to commit changes as soon as they are ready. Since the launch of Blocks, the feature has grown and evolved.

This glossary of terms will tell you everything you need to know about Blocks and industry-related DevOps terminology.

Blocks: A feature built for Developers and Content teams

For the developers amongst us, each Block contains your application or service and all the dependencies required to run it. Not only does this let you develop in any language, but it also means that your code will work the same way in your production environment as it does when you are developing locally. You can easily package and deploy code to Contensis as Blocks without leaving your IDE.

For the content editors and digital teams that work with Contensis but don’t speak code, the essential information to know is that Blocks allow site owners and distributed teams to control the release of new features to their site. Developers can focus on writing code, commit any changes and make them visible on a preview URL. Then you and your team can preview and compare changes, go live, and have the peace of mind that you can roll back at any time.

The Blocks glossary: the important terms to know about Blocks and DevOps.

There's no need for a DevOps team or for you to understand Kubernetes, container orchestration, or how to manage environments across multiple datacentres – Contensis handles that for you.

But with more of the Contensis community onboarding with Blocks, we thought we’d create a go-to glossary with all Blocks-related terminology.

1. Block

2. Block push

3. Block version

4. Block release

5. Branches

6. Container

7. Continuous integration

8. Continuous delivery and continuous deployment

9. Deploy code

10. DevOps

11. Docker

12. Docker image

13. Environment

14. Package

15. Repository (repo)

Did we miss anything? Let us know if there is more Blocks terminology that you’d like demystified.

Create better content with Contensis

Contensis is an award-winning, flexible and scalable headless content management system that stores your content in small reusable chunks – making it easy for you to manage and use across all your platforms.

The introduction of Blocks into Contensis aims to improve the management and deployment of code and enhance collaboration, control and efficiency in software development - providing DevOps best practices within the CMS.

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Danielle MeeCampaign manager

Danielle is a campaign manager working within the marketing team. Her background is in global B2B marketing, with a focus on digital marketing campaigns.

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